Concern Over Migrants Being Housed in Scottsdale Hotel Raises Alarm Among Neighbors

In the quiet neighborhood of Scottsdale, there is a growing concern among its residents regarding migrants being housed in a local hotel. Jennifer Martinez from FOX 10 News has investigated this situation, and the neighbors are speaking out about feeling blindsided and uninformed. They express their desire to know who these migrants are and question the lack of due process. With armed guards and unloading buses captured by concerned homeowners, the situation has raised alarm. Ice, the city of Scottsdale, and the non-profit organization Endeavors are involved in this temporary housing arrangement, which has left the community feeling unsettled and worried.

Despite the city of Scottsdale being formally notified by Ice about the use of this hotel, the neighbors claim that they were never informed or warned about it. The lack of transparency and the feeling of unfairness have sparked anger among residents, especially those who have been waiting patiently for years to resolve their own paperwork or immigration matters. The community plans to hold a rally outside the hotel to express their concerns and request further information.


The recent news of migrants being housed in a Scottsdale hotel has raised concerns among residents in the neighborhood. Many people living in the area have expressed their worries and fears regarding this situation. It is understandable that the sudden presence of migrants in their community has left them feeling unsettled and seeking answers.

Residents’ Concerns

One of the main concerns voiced by residents is the lack of notification they received regarding the presence of migrants in the hotel. Many individuals felt blindsided by the situation, emphasizing that neither ICE nor the city of Scottsdale informed them or warned them about the presence of immigrants in their neighborhood. Residents believe that it is their right to be informed about such significant changes in their community.

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In addition to the lack of notification, residents also express a desire for transparency. They want to know who these migrants are and what their presence entails. Understanding the background and circumstances of the individuals being housed in the hotel would help alleviate some of the concerns and foster a sense of understanding among the community.

Another major concern revolves around security. Residents have reported seeing armed guards at the hotel and witnessing buses unloading people with knapsacks. This has raised questions about the safety of the neighborhood and the potential impact on crime rates. It is important for residents to feel safe and secure in their own community, and addressing these security concerns is essential in alleviating their worries.

ICE Statement

In response to the concerns raised by the residents, ICE has issued a statement explaining the situation. They clarify that the hotel is being used as a temporary emergency shelter for migrants and that this arrangement is part of a partnership with a non-profit organization called Endeavors. ICE states that the contract with Endeavors will last until September 30 and that a total of 1239 beds will be used to house families seeking political asylum.

While ICE intends to provide clarity regarding the purpose of the hotel housing, residents still express concerns about the lack of information on-site. They feel that there is no one readily available to address any questions or concerns they may have. It is crucial for proper channels of communication to be established to ensure that residents feel heard and informed.

City of Scottsdale

The city of Scottsdale has addressed the issue by formally posting a notice on their website. According to the notice, the city claims to have been notified by ICE on May 28th about the families being housed in the hotel. The notice further explains that the city does not currently have the authority to prevent the hotel from being rented for this purpose. The lack of control over the situation has left residents feeling frustrated and anxious about the future.

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The closure of the hotel to the general public is another aspect that has sparked concern among residents. A sign on the front entrance of the hotel informs the public that the hotel is closed to reservations, creating a sense of exclusion for the community. Residents feel that this restriction further contributes to their feeling of being left out of the decision-making process.

Restricted Access to Hotel

One way the hotel has attempted to address the concerns of residents is by prohibiting general public entry. This measure aims to ensure the privacy and safety of the migrants being housed in the hotel. While this sign serves a legitimate purpose, it also acts as a visual reminder of the divide between the community and the migrants. Residents hope that in the future, there can be a better understanding and open dialogue between both parties.

Fairness Concerns

Another concern expressed by some residents is the perceived jumping of the line. They believe that the migrants being housed in the hotel are being given preferential treatment, while there are people who have been waiting for years to have their paperwork processed. This perceived disparity in waiting times has left some residents feeling that the system is not equitable. It is crucial for authorities to address these concerns and ensure that fairness is maintained in the immigration process.

Community Response

To voice their concerns and seek a resolution to the situation, residents have organized a planned rally outside of the hotel. This gathering is an opportunity for the community to come together and express their worries, as well as to ask for open dialogue and accountability.

The community response highlights the importance of open communication and a shared understanding. By engaging in a peaceful demonstration, residents hope to see their concerns acknowledged and addressed. They seek not only answers but also a resolution that takes into account the well-being of both the migrants and the residents.

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The ongoing concerns of residents in the Scottsdale neighborhood regarding the migrants being housed in a local hotel cannot be ignored. The lack of notification, desire for transparency, and security concerns are valid and need to be addressed by the relevant authorities. Open dialogue and solutions that promote fairness and understanding are essential in ensuring the well-being of both the migrants and the community. It is crucial to prioritize the concerns of residents and work towards a resolution that upholds the values of transparency, security, and fairness.