Witness describes chaos after shooting at downtown Phoenix hotel

You won’t believe the shocking events that unfolded at a downtown Phoenix hotel. In a news exclusive by ABC15 Arizona, witness Gabriel Ibarra speaks out about the chaos that ensued after shots were fired during a party at the Hyatt Regency downtown. With limited details from the police, Gabriel shares his firsthand account of the terrifying incident, describing how he and others found themselves caught in the midst of the violence. In his interview with ABC15’s Mike Pelton, Gabriel recounts the moment the gunfire erupted, the panic that ensued, and the long wait they endured before being released. As Phoenix police continue to investigate, they are working to piece together the details, determine who was involved, and uncover the motive behind the shooting. While there have been no arrests made thus far, Gabriel expresses his relief that the argument did not escalate inside the party room, acknowledging that the situation could have been much worse. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability and danger that can occur even in seemingly ordinary situations. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

Witness describes chaos after shooting at downtown Phoenix hotel. In a news exclusive by ABC15 Arizona, Gabriel Ibarra provides a harrowing firsthand account of the events that unfolded when shots were fired at a downtown Phoenix hotel. During his friend’s sister’s 18th birthday party, Gabriel and others were suddenly thrust into a terrifying situation as gunfire erupted downstairs. He describes the panic that ensued, the presence of numerous police officers, and the hours they spent waiting to be released. With limited information from the police, Gabriel remains unsure about the identities of those involved and the exact details leading up to the altercation. As Phoenix police continue their investigation, they are diligently working to interview all parties involved and piece together the sequence of events. Although there have been no reported arrests at this time, Gabriel expresses gratitude that the argument did not escalate inside the party room, recognizing the potential for a much more tragic outcome. This incident is a stark reminder of the potential risks that may arise even in seemingly safe environments. Stay tuned for further updates on this ongoing investigation.

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A shooting occurred at a downtown Phoenix hotel during a party, resulting in eight people being shot and one person killed. The incident happened after a disagreement between two groups, and multiple individuals opened fire. Limited information has been provided by the police, but witnesses at the party, such as Gabriel Ibarra, have shared their experiences. Gabriel recounts hearing gunfire and seeing chaos unfold, capturing some of the events on his cell phone. The police are currently investigating the incident, speaking to everyone involved and attempting to determine the motive behind the shooting. Gabriel reflects on the severity of the situation and expresses gratitude that the argument did not escalate inside the party room. No arrests have been made thus far.


In the early hours of Sunday morning, a shooting took place at a downtown Phoenix hotel, creating chaos and leaving multiple victims in its wake. The incident occurred during a party held at the Hyatt Regency downtown, with limited information being released by the police. One witness, Gabriel Ibarra, who was present at the party, has provided exclusive details to ABC15 Arizona. His account sheds light on the events that transpired, offering a glimpse into the terrifying experience those at the party endured. This article aims to comprehensively outline the shooting incident, detailing the background information, the witness account, the investigation, and the witness’s reflection on the situation.

Background Information

On the night of the incident, a party was being held at the Hyatt Regency downtown, as Gabriel Ibarra and his friends gathered to celebrate his friend’s sister’s 18th birthday. However, the festivities took a terrifying turn when shots were fired inside the hotel. The police have released limited information about the incident thus far, but it has been reported that two groups at the party got into a disagreement, leading to multiple people opening fire. The exact details of the incident remain unclear, with the police working to piece together the events and identify the shooter(s).

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Witness Account

Gabriel Ibarra, an attendee at the party, experienced the chaos first-hand when the shooting erupted. According to Gabriel, he was on the seventh floor of the hotel when he heard two individuals running inside, mentioning that shots had been fired. Suddenly, panic ensued as gunfire erupted downstairs, causing everyone in the vicinity to fear for their safety. Gabriel captured some of the shocking events on his cell phone, which he shared with the police. He describes how the police swiftly intervened, clearing out the hotel room and instructing everyone to raise their hands while guns were drawn. The party attendees were then held waiting for eight hours before being released.

During the questioning by the police, Gabriel stated that he was unsure about the identities of those involved in the shooting. The police asked him numerous questions, seeking any information that could assist their investigation. They delved into details regarding the individuals’ appearance and behavior, trying to determine the motive behind the disagreement that led to the violence.

Details of the Incident

The shooting at the downtown Phoenix hotel escalated from a disagreement between two groups at the party. Subsequently, multiple individuals opened fire, causing chaos and terror among the attendees. The result was eight people being shot, with one person tragically losing their life. The involvement of party attendees remains a topic of interest in the investigation, as Gabriel mentioned that some individuals involved had briefly stopped by the party to socialize before the argument unfolded.

According to Gabriel, the argument that sparked the incident occurred in the hotel lobby. The exact nature of the disagreement and the circumstances leading up to it are still being pieced together by the police. By understanding the sequence of events and the individuals involved, the authorities hope to identify the shooter(s) and ascertain the motive behind the shooting.


Following the shooting, the Phoenix police launched a thorough investigation into the incident. Their primary goal is to gather as much information as possible by speaking to everyone involved. By interviewing witnesses like Gabriel Ibarra and others present at the party, the police aim to reconstruct the events leading up to the shooting and identify any potential suspects. It is a labor-intensive process, requiring the cooperation of all those who can provide insight into the incident.

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The police are dedicated to finding the individuals responsible for the violence and bringing them to justice. Their efforts in processing evidence, conducting interviews, and analyzing the witnesses’ accounts will be crucial in solving the case. The investigation’s focus is on identifying the shooter(s) and understanding the motive behind the shooting at the downtown Phoenix hotel.

Witness Reflection

Gabriel Ibarra has expressed his perspective on the incident, sharing his thoughts and reflection of the terrifying experience. Despite the shock of being involved in such a violent event, Gabriel considers himself fortunate that the argument did not escalate inside the party room. He recognizes that things could have been much worse if the violence had reached the party’s sanctuary. However, Gabriel emphasizes that the situation remains a horrible one, regardless of where it unfolded. The severity of the incident, which resulted in multiple people being shot and a life being lost, is not lost on him.


The shooting at the downtown Phoenix hotel during a party has left the community in shock and mourning. With eight people being shot and one person killed, the incident highlights the devastating impact of gun violence. The limited information released by the police underscores the ongoing nature of the investigation. Witness accounts, such as Gabriel Ibarra’s, play a crucial role in shedding light on the incident and aiding the police in identifying those responsible. As the investigation continues, the hope remains that the authorities will find the shooter(s) and determine the motive behind the tragic events that unfolded that night. In the aftermath of this horrifying incident, the community is left grappling with the consequences of senseless violence and the need for greater efforts to prevent future tragedies.