Union workers protest for higher wages and a new contract with Phoenix hotel

Outside the Hilton Resort at the peaks near 16th Street and Glendale, a group of union workers gathered, making their voices heard through banging buckets and ringing bells. These members of Unite Here Local 11 are demanding better wages and a new contract, fueled by their frustration over stagnant pay despite the rising cost of living. One worker, who has dedicated 27 years of his life to the company, shared his story, highlighting the stark contrast between his pay and the booming hotel business.

Nationwide, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that weekly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry have only slightly increased over the past four years, from $600 per week in 2019 to $700 in 2022. It’s worth noting that unionized workers tend to earn more than their non-union counterparts. While Unite Here Local 11 recently led strikes in California, Phoenix workers are not on strike at the moment. Negotiations between the union and Hilton are ongoing, with hopes of reaching a resolution that addresses their concerns. We’ve reached out to the hotel for their perspective on the situation, but we’re still awaiting a response.

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Union workers protest at Phoenix hotel

Protesters gather outside Hilton Resort at the Peaks

A group of protesters gathered outside the Hilton Resort at the Peaks near 16th Street and Glendale in Phoenix. The protesters were union members affiliated with Unite Here Local 11. They were demanding better wages and a new contract from the hotel management.

Union members of Unite Here Local 11 demand better wages and a new contract

Unite Here Local 11 is a union that represents workers in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries. The union members who participated in the protest were demanding higher wages and improved working conditions. They believe that their current wages are not enough to keep up with the rising cost of living, and that a new contract is necessary to address their concerns.

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Worker shares his experience of 27 years with stagnant pay

One worker who participated in the protest shared his experience of working for the company for 27 years. Despite his long tenure, he has not seen significant pay increases that match the rising cost of living. This worker’s story highlights the struggles faced by many employees who have dedicated years of their lives to their jobs but have not been adequately compensated for their loyalty and service.

Hotel business thrives while workers struggle to keep up with the cost of living

While the hotel business has thrived, with the industry experiencing a recovery after the pandemic, workers have found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the cost of living. As the prices of housing, food, and other essentials rise, workers have not seen proportional increases in their wages. This disparity between the financial stability of the hotel business and the financial struggles of its workers is a cause for concern.

Comparison of weekly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the weekly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry have only seen a slight increase in the last four years. In 2019, the average weekly earnings were around $600, and in 2022, they have only risen to $700. This limited increase in wages does not align with the rising cost of living and further emphasizes the need for higher wages for workers in the industry.

Unionized workers earn more than non-union members

Unionized workers generally have higher earnings than their non-union counterparts. Affiliation with a union provides workers with the benefits of collective bargaining, allowing them to negotiate for better wages and improved working conditions. The increase in earnings for unionized workers compared to non-union members highlights the importance of belonging to a union and advocating for workers’ rights.

Past strikes led by Unite Here Local 11 in California

Unite Here Local 11 has led strikes in California in the past to advocate for better wages and working conditions. These strikes have been instrumental in drawing attention to the challenges faced by workers in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries. The strikes have also resulted in some positive outcomes, such as improved wages and contract agreements.

Workers in Phoenix not on strike as negotiations with Hilton continue

While union workers in Phoenix gathered to protest, they have not gone on strike as negotiations with Hilton continue. This indicates that both parties are engaged in a dialogue and are working towards a resolution. The workers’ decision to protest instead of going on strike shows their willingness to engage in peaceful advocacy and reach a fair agreement with the hotel management.

No response from the hotel management

As of now, there has been no response from the hotel management regarding the workers’ demands or the ongoing negotiations. However, the efforts of Unite Here Local 11 and the visibility of the protest are likely to put pressure on the hotel management to address the workers’ concerns and provide a fair resolution.

Protesters gather outside Hilton Resort at the Peaks

Location of the protest

The protest took place outside the Hilton Resort at the Peaks near 16th Street and Glendale in Phoenix. This location was chosen strategically to draw attention to the workers’ demands and garner public support for their cause.

Description of the protest scene

The protesters were united in their cause, banging buckets and ringing bells to make their voices heard. They expressed their frustration and determination to fight for better wages and a new contract. Despite the challenges they face, the atmosphere of the protest was filled with solidarity and a shared sense of purpose.

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Estimation of the number of protesters

An exact estimation of the number of protesters is not available, but based on reports and video footage, a significant number of union members participated in the protest. Their presence created a powerful visual display and attracted attention from the public and media outlets.

Union members of Unite Here Local 11 demand better wages and a new contract

Explanation of the union

Unite Here Local 11 is a union that represents workers in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries. The union works to protect and advance the rights and interests of its members. Through collective bargaining, the union negotiates for better wages, benefits, and working conditions on behalf of its members.

Reasons behind the demand for higher wages

The demand for higher wages is driven by the rising cost of living. Workers are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet with their current wages, as the prices of housing, food, and other essentials continue to rise. Higher wages are necessary to ensure that workers can support themselves and their families and maintain a decent standard of living.

Importance of a new contract

A new contract is crucial for establishing the terms and conditions of employment between the workers and the hotel management. It provides a framework for addressing the concerns of the workers and ensuring that their rights are protected. A new contract can also serve as a catalyst for positive change, leading to improved wages, benefits, and working conditions for the workers.

Impact of the rising cost of living on workers

The rising cost of living has a significant impact on the financial stability of workers. As prices increase, workers’ wages often remain stagnant, making it difficult to keep up with their expenses. Many workers find themselves struggling to afford basic necessities and facing financial hardships. It is essential for wages to keep pace with the cost of living to ensure that workers can lead decent and fulfilling lives.

Worker shares his experience of 27 years with stagnant pay

Description of the worker’s tenure at the company

The worker who participated in the protest has dedicated 27 years of his life to working for the hotel. This length of service demonstrates his loyalty and commitment to his job.

Comparison of his pay over the years

Despite his years of service, the worker has experienced stagnant pay. Over the course of the 27 years, his wages have not increased significantly, leading to financial struggles and frustration. This contrast between his loyalty and the lack of recognition in terms of wages highlights the need for fair compensation for workers who have dedicated their time and effort to a company.

Contrast between his experience and the hotel’s growth

While the hotel business has continued to grow, the worker’s pay has not kept pace with this growth. This contrast emphasizes the disparity between the hotel’s prosperity and the financial struggles faced by its workers. It raises questions about the fairness of the distribution of wealth within the company and calls for more equitable treatment of the workers.

Hotel business thrives while workers struggle to keep up with the cost of living

Overview of the hotel industry’s recovery after the pandemic

The hotel industry has experienced a significant recovery after the pandemic. As travel restrictions have eased and people have started to resume their travel plans, hotels have seen an increase in demand and occupancy rates. This recovery has allowed the hotel business to thrive and generate profits.

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Impact of the cost of living on workers’ financial stability

While the hotel business thrives, workers are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. As mentioned earlier, the prices of housing, food, and other essentials have been increasing, eroding the purchasing power of workers’ wages. This financial instability has a detrimental impact on the overall well-being and quality of life of the workers.

Disparity between workers’ wages and the hotel’s prosperity

The disparity between the financial stability of the hotel business and the financial struggles of its workers is evident. While the hotel enjoys profitability and growth, workers are left behind, struggling to make ends meet. This disparity raises questions about the fairness of wealth distribution and highlights the need for workers to receive their fair share of the company’s success.

Comparison of weekly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides insights into the earnings of workers in the leisure and hospitality industry. This data helps us understand the financial realities faced by workers in the industry.

Comparison of earnings in 2019 and 2022

According to the data, the average weekly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry have only seen a slight increase over the past four years. In 2019, the average weekly earnings were around $600, and in 2022, they have only risen to $700. This limited increase does not align with the rising cost of living and poses challenges for workers trying to meet their financial obligations.

Limited increase in weekly earnings

The limited increase in weekly earnings further emphasizes the need for higher wages in the industry. It highlights the disparity between workers’ earnings and the rising cost of living. Workers in the leisure and hospitality industry deserve fair compensation for their hard work and dedication.

Unionized workers earn more than non-union members

Explanation of the benefits of belonging to a union

Belonging to a union provides workers with several benefits. Unions represent workers collectively, advocating for their rights and interests. They negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions on behalf of their members. Unions also provide a support system, offering resources and assistance to workers in various areas, including legal representation.

Demonstration of higher earnings for unionized workers

Data indicates that workers affiliated with a union earn more than their non-union counterparts. This wage difference demonstrates the positive impact that unions can have on workers’ financial well-being. By leveraging the power of collective bargaining, unions can secure better wages and benefits for their members.

Advantages of collective bargaining

Collective bargaining allows workers to come together and negotiate with the employer as a group. This strength in numbers gives workers the leverage to secure better terms and conditions of employment. Collective bargaining ensures that workers have a say in the decisions that affect their working lives and provides them with a platform to voice their concerns and seek fair treatment.

Past strikes led by Unite Here Local 11 in California

Overview of recent strikes in California

Unite Here Local 11 has led strikes in California recently, advocating for workers’ rights in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries. These strikes have drawn attention to the challenges faced by workers and have served as a platform for workers to demand fair wages, improved working conditions, and job security.

Causes of the strikes

The strikes have been driven by the perceived injustices and inequities faced by workers in their workplaces. Workers have been demanding better wages, benefits, and job protections. They have also been advocating for safer working conditions and dignity in their profession.

Outcome or impact of the strikes

While the specific outcomes of the strikes may vary, they have contributed to raising awareness about workers’ rights and the need for change within the industry. The strikes have highlighted the power of collective action and have laid the groundwork for future negotiations and improvements in workers’ conditions.

Workers in Phoenix not on strike as negotiations with Hilton continue

Current status of negotiations

Despite the protests, workers in Phoenix have not gone on strike. Negotiations between the workers and the Hilton management are ongoing. This suggests that both parties are engaged in a dialogue and are working towards finding a resolution that addresses the workers’ concerns.

Reasons for not going on strike

The decision to not go on strike may be a strategic one. By participating in peaceful protests and continuing negotiations, the workers are demonstrating their willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution. This approach allows both sides to negotiate and make progress while minimizing the impact on guests and the overall operations of the hotel.

Efforts of Unite Here Local 11 in resolving the situation

Unite Here Local 11 is actively involved in the negotiations, working to represent the workers’ interests and advocate for their demands. The union is dedicated to resolving the situation in a fair and satisfactory manner. Their efforts ensure that workers’ voices continue to be heard and that progress is made towards achieving their goals.


Summary of the protests and workers’ demands

The protest outside Hilton Resort at the Peaks in Phoenix highlighted the demands of union workers affiliated with Unite Here Local 11. These demands include better wages and a new contract that addresses the rising cost of living and provides workers with fair compensation for their dedication and service.

Importance of fair wages and contracts for union workers

Fair wages and contracts are crucial for union workers to maintain financial stability and ensure a decent standard of living. They deserve fair compensation for their efforts, and a new contract can provide the framework for achieving this objective.

Continued efforts by Unite Here Local 11 to advocate for workers’ rights

Unite Here Local 11 has a history of advocating for workers’ rights and has played a significant role in addressing the concerns of workers in the hotel, gaming, and food service industries. With continued efforts and negotiations, the union aims to secure better wages, improved working conditions, and a fair resolution for the workers in Phoenix and beyond.