Hotel San Carlos: A Haunted Experience in Phoenix, Arizona

Imagine stepping into a world where the past meets the present, where history intertwines with the supernatural. That’s exactly what you’ll experience at Hotel San Carlos, a captivating haunted experience located in Phoenix, Arizona. This historic hotel, known for its charm and elegance, has gained quite the reputation for being a hotspot for paranormal activity. In this article, we’ll delve into the eerie tales and ghostly encounters that have been reported by guests and staff alike. From unexplained noises and flickering lights to sightings of apparitions, Hotel San Carlos has become a must-visit destination for those seeking a thrilling adventure. Get ready to embark on a journey into the unknown as we explore the haunted halls of this mysterious hotel.

Step back in time and immerse yourself in a place where the veil between the living and the spirits is incredibly thin. With its rich history dating back to 1928, Hotel San Carlos has seen its fair share of ghostly encounters. This haunted hotspot has even attracted the attention of paranormal enthusiasts, as documented in a chilling video by One Daemon. In this footage, filmed during a ghost hunting session on February 23rd, 2013, you’ll witness spine-chilling moments compressed into an exhilarating one and a half minute spectacle. Brace yourself for a hair-raising adventure as we take a closer look at the haunted happenings in this iconic Phoenix landmark.

History of Hotel San Carlos

Construction and Opening of the Hotel

The Hotel San Carlos has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to its construction in 1927. Designed by architect George Edwin Merrick, the hotel was an ambitious project that aimed to bring a touch of elegance to downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The construction process was a marvel in itself, with workers utilizing innovative techniques and materials to bring Merrick’s vision to life.

The hotel was officially opened to the public on March 19, 1928, with a grand celebration attended by numerous dignitaries and high-profile guests. The event was marked by opulent parties and lavish displays, showcasing the hotel’s commitment to luxury and exclusivity. From the very beginning, the Hotel San Carlos stood as a beacon of sophistication in the heart of Phoenix.

Notable Guests and Events

Over the years, the Hotel San Carlos has played host to a wide array of notable guests and events. Celebrities, politicians, and even royalty have graced its luxurious halls, leaving an indelible mark on the hotel’s history. Hollywood legends such as Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, and Humphrey Bogart have all called the hotel home at some point during their careers.

The hotel has also been a venue for various important events. From extravagant parties and galas to high-profile meetings and conferences, the Hotel San Carlos has been a center of activity and prestige. Its reputation as a place to see and be seen has only grown over the years, cementing its status as an iconic establishment in the city.

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Reports of Hauntings

Despite its glamorous past, the Hotel San Carlos has garnered quite a reputation for being haunted. Numerous reports of paranormal activity have surfaced over the years, sending chills down the spines of both guests and staff members. From ghostly apparitions to strange noises and unexplained sensations, the hotel has become a hotbed for supernatural experiences.

It is worth noting that while some may dismiss these claims as mere urban legends, many individuals stand by their experiences. The stories surrounding the hotel’s hauntings have become deeply ingrained in its history and have contributed to its mystique and allure. Whether one believes in the paranormal or not, the tales of ghostly encounters at the Hotel San Carlos continue to captivate the imagination.

Architecture and Design

Spanish Colonial Revival Style

The Hotel San Carlos stands as a stunning example of the Spanish Colonial Revival style, which was highly popular during the early 20th century. Characterized by its distinctive architectural elements, such as stucco walls, red-tile roofs, and decorative wrought iron, the style exudes an air of elegance and Old World charm.

Architect George Edwin Merrick drew inspiration from the Spanish influence prevalent in the southwestern United States and Mexico. His design for the Hotel San Carlos successfully captured this essence, creating a visually striking building that seamlessly blended Spanish and indigenous architectural elements.

Notable Features of the Hotel

Beyond its architectural style, the Hotel San Carlos boasts several notable features that contribute to its unique identity. The hotel’s central courtyard, adorned with lush palm trees and vibrant flowers, serves as a tranquil oasis amidst the bustling city. It provides guests with a serene retreat where they can unwind and soak in the ambiance of their surroundings.

Another distinctive feature of the hotel is its rooftop lounge, which offers breathtaking views of the Phoenix skyline. Guests can enjoy a cocktail or a meal while taking in the scenic panorama that stretches out before them. With its panoramic vistas and enchanting atmosphere, the rooftop lounge is a favorite spot for both visitors and locals alike.

Claims of Paranormal Activity

Ghostly Apparitions

One of the most prevalent claims of paranormal activity at the Hotel San Carlos involves ghostly apparitions. Many guests and staff members have reported seeing translucent figures roaming the hallways or appearing in their rooms. These ghostly figures are often described as dressed in period clothing and exhibiting a spectral aura.

While the origin of these apparitions remains a mystery, some speculate that they could be the lingering spirits of former guests or individuals associated with the hotel’s past. Regardless of their true identity, the ghostly apparitions add an eerie and otherworldly element to the hotel’s ambiance.

Strange Noises and Sensations

In addition to apparitions, reports of strange noises and sensations are also common at the Hotel San Carlos. Guests have reported hearing disembodied whispers, footsteps, and doors opening and closing on their own accord. Others have described feelings of being watched or the sensation of a cold breeze passing through their bodies.

These unexplained phenomena have led some to believe that the hotel is a hotbed for paranormal energy. Whether it is residual energy from past events or the presence of something otherworldly, the strange noises and sensations only add to the hotel’s haunted reputation.

Elevators and Phantom Button Presses

Another peculiar phenomenon frequently reported at the Hotel San Carlos revolves around its elevators. Guests have recounted instances of the elevators stopping at random floors, seemingly without any passengers or external input. Some have even claimed to witness the elevator buttons being pressed by an invisible entity.

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While skeptics argue that these occurrences could be attributed to technical malfunctions or user error, others believe that they are the result of mischievous spirits residing within the hotel. The elevators’ peculiar behavior remains a bizarre and puzzling aspect of the hotel’s paranormal reputation.

Famous Hauntings

The Lady in Red

Perhaps the most famous of all the Hotel San Carlos hauntings is the legend of the Lady in Red. According to local lore, the spirit of a woman who tragically passed away in the hotel decades ago haunts the premises to this day. The Lady in Red is said to be an elegant figure dressed in a flowing red gown, exuding an air of forlorn beauty.

The Drowning Suitor

Another well-known haunting at the Hotel San Carlos revolves around a tragic love story. Legend has it that a suitor, heartbroken over a failed romance, drowned himself in one of the hotel’s pools. To this day, witnesses claim to hear mournful cries or see the apparition of a man in old-fashioned attire near the pool area.

The Lady in Red

Origin of the Legend

The legend of the Lady in Red at the Hotel San Carlos has been passed down through generations, becoming deeply ingrained in local folklore. The story tells of a young woman who met her untimely demise in the hotel, possibly due to a doomed love affair or a tragic accident. Since then, her spirit is said to roam the halls, forever wearing the flowing red gown she donned in life.

While the exact details of the Lady in Red’s identity and fate remain shrouded in mystery, the legend has taken on a life of its own, captivating the imagination of visitors and locals alike.

Sightings and Experiences

Numerous guests and staff members have reported sightings and interactions with the Lady in Red over the years. Some claim to have seen her walking down the corridors, while others have felt her presence in their rooms or near the hotel’s grand staircase. Many describe a feeling of calm and serenity when encountering her, despite the initial shock of coming face to face with a ghostly apparition.

The sightings of the Lady in Red have become so frequent that the hotel even dedicated a room to her, aptly named the Red Room. Some guests specifically request to stay in this room, hoping for a chance encounter with the famous ghost.

Possible Explanations and Skepticism

While the legend of the Lady in Red is widely embraced by believers in the paranormal, skeptics offer alternative explanations for the reported sightings and experiences. They argue that the mind’s ability to conjure vivid images and sensations, combined with the hotel’s haunted reputation, may lead to misinterpretations or exaggerations of otherwise ordinary occurrences.

Nevertheless, the enduring nature of the Lady in Red legend and the numerous testimonies from individuals who claim to have encountered her continue to fuel the hotel’s reputation as a paranormal hotspot.

The Drowning Suitor

The Tragic Love Story

The haunting of the Drowning Suitor revolves around a heart-wrenching tale of unrequited love. According to the legend, a suitor deeply in love with a woman who did not return his affection ended his own life by drowning himself in one of the hotel’s pools. The tragedy of his unfulfilled love is said to have imprinted his spirit on the premises, forever seeking solace or resolution.

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Witness Accounts and EVPs

Over the years, witnesses have corroborated the haunting of the Drowning Suitor through accounts of unexplained phenomena near the hotel’s pool area. Visitors have reported hearing inconsolable cries or seeing the apparition of a man dressed in early 20th-century attire, representing the lovelorn suitor. Some paranormal investigators have even captured electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) that purportedly contain the voice of the suitor himself.

These witness accounts and EVPs serve as compelling evidence for those who believe in the existence of the Drowning Suitor’s spirit within the hotel.

The Mystery of the Missing Room

Adding to the intrigue surrounding the Drowning Suitor is the mystery of the missing room. According to some versions of the legend, the room where the suitor stayed during his time at the hotel has vanished, leaving behind nothing but an empty space.

Speculation abounds regarding the origins of this mysterious disappearance. Some believe that the room was intentionally sealed off to prevent any potential disturbances caused by the Drowning Suitor’s spirit. Others theorize that the room may exist on a different plane of existence, accessible only to those with a heightened sensitivity to the paranormal.

Paranormal Investigations

Ghost Tours and Public Investigations

Due to its reputation as a haunted location, the Hotel San Carlos has become a popular destination for ghost tours and public paranormal investigations. Visitors can join guided tours led by experienced guides who share the hotel’s history and recount the various ghostly encounters reported by guests and staff. These tours offer a unique opportunity to explore the hotel’s haunted past and potentially experience some paranormal activity for themselves.

The hotel also allows paranormal investigation groups to conduct private investigations within its premises. These groups use specialized equipment, such as electromagnetic field detectors and thermal imaging cameras, to capture potential evidence of paranormal activity. The Hotel San Carlos has become a favored location for those seeking to explore the realms of the supernatural.

Proximity to Other Haunted Locations

Another intriguing factor that adds to the allure of the Hotel San Carlos is its proximity to other reputedly haunted locations. Phoenix is home to several buildings and landmarks known for their paranormal activity, creating a regional hotspot for ghost enthusiasts and paranormal investigators.

These nearby haunted locations include the Rosson House Museum, the Orpheum Theatre, and the Pioneer Living History Museum. The Hotel San Carlos’s close proximity to these sites further fuels the belief that the area holds a unique energy that attracts spirits and paranormal phenomena.

Guest Experiences

Personal Testimonies

Guests who have stayed at the Hotel San Carlos have shared their personal experiences, ranging from spine-tingling encounters to fleeting glimpses of apparitions. Some have reported waking up in the middle of the night to find a ghostly figure standing at the foot of their bed, only to disappear moments later. Others have heard disembodied voices or felt a ghostly presence in their rooms.

While these personal testimonies vary in intensity and credibility, they contribute to the overall narrative of the Hotel San Carlos as a place where the paranormal is an ever-present possibility.

Online Reviews and Ratings

Online reviews and ratings of the Hotel San Carlos often mention the hotel’s haunted reputation. Visitors who have stayed at the hotel frequently comment on the unique ambiance and the potential for supernatural encounters. While some reviewers regard the paranormal aspect as a novelty, others genuinely believe that they have experienced ghostly activity during their stay.

The mix of opinions, from skeptics to believers, leaves an intriguing and sometimes polarizing impression on those considering a visit to the Hotel San Carlos.


The Hotel San Carlos stands as an architectural gem with a captivating history, a reputation for luxury, and a haunting presence. From its Spanish Colonial Revival style to its reported paranormal activity, the hotel offers an enticing blend of elegance and intrigue. Whether one visits to admire the stunning architecture, enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, or seek a brush with the supernatural, the Hotel San Carlos has firmly established itself as an iconic destination in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona.