Colorado Teen Dies After Tragic Drowning in Phoenix Hotel Pool

A tragic incident took place in Phoenix, Arizona when a 13-year-old teenager named Darryl Blackman from Colorado lost his life after being pulled out of a hotel pool. Darryl was in Phoenix for a football tournament and was enjoying his time in the pool with other teenagers when he unexpectedly went underwater. Raising awareness about this heartbreaking incident, FOX 10 Phoenix covered the story and interviewed one of Darryl’s friends who shared the harrowing details of their efforts to rescue him. FOX 10 Phoenix is a trusted source for breaking news, live events, politics, entertainment, business news, and local stories in Phoenix, Arizona, and across the nation. Stay updated on their YouTube channel and download their News and Weather App for more information. Also, don’t forget to follow FOX 10 Phoenix on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and subscribe to their newsletters for the latest updates.

Unfortunately, Darryl’s parents remained by his side as he received treatment at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, while the rest of his team and family members returned to Denver. Sadly, their car broke down in Phoenix, adding to the already tragic situation. To support them with unexpected medical expenses and transportation costs, a GoFundMe page has been set up. If you would like to contribute, please visit for more information. As we mourn the loss of Darryl Blackman, our hearts go out to his family and friends during this devastating time.

Title: Colorado Teen Dies After Tragic Drowning in Phoenix Hotel Pool


A recent tragic incident in Phoenix has left the community grieving the loss of a young teenager. 13-year-old Darryl Blackman, from Colorado, passed away after being pulled from a hotel pool. This devastating event serves as a reminder of the importance of water safety and the need for increased awareness and education. In this article, we will delve into the details surrounding this incident, including witness accounts, Darryl’s background, and the efforts made to save his life.

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Witnesses recount the moments before the drowning

The hotel pool, where the incident occurred, was filled with several teenagers enjoying their time during Darryl’s football tournament visit. According to a friend who witnessed the tragedy, the pool had a deep end with a small ledge to sit on. Two young girls were the first to point out Darryl at the bottom of the pool, prompting the witness and his friends to act quickly. Together, they managed to pull Darryl out of the water, initiating the rescue efforts that followed.

Teen was in Phoenix for a football tournament

Darryl Blackman and his family traveled from Denver to Phoenix to participate in a football tournament. As part of the Junior Buffs football team, Darryl was passionate about the sport and dedicated to his teammates. After a game, the players decided to cool off in the hotel pool, unaware of the tragic turn of events that awaited them.

Friend pulls Darryl out of the pool

The witness who discovered Darryl at the bottom of the pool described the moment he pulled him to the surface. Despite the difficult circumstances, the witness, who happened to be a trained lifeguard, acted swiftly to save his friend. Darryl’s condition upon being rescued was critical, emphasizing the importance of the immediate response and the quick thinking of those present. The witness expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by his friends during the rescue.

Darryl Blackman’s background and involvement in football

Darryl, a 13-year-old boy from Colorado, had a passion for football. Being a part of the Junior Buffs football team allowed him to cultivate his skills and form deep connections with his teammates. This tragic event has not only affected Darryl’s family but also the entire football community, as they mourn the loss of a talented and promising player.

Lifeguards and adults perform CPR on Darryl

Once Darryl was pulled from the pool, the lifeguards and other adults on the scene immediately began administering CPR in an attempt to revive him. Trained lifeguard and supportive friends took turns trying to resuscitate Darryl, desperately hoping for him to wake up and show signs of life. The presence of CPR-trained individuals highlights the critical importance of having these life-saving skills, especially in water emergencies.

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Efforts to revive Darryl are unsuccessful

Despite the tireless efforts of the lifeguards, the witness, and other adults involved, Darryl did not regain consciousness. The witness emotionally described their desperate pleas for Darryl to wake up, expressing the intense hopelessness they felt as the attempts to revive him proved unsuccessful. This heartbreaking outcome serves as a somber reminder of the fragile nature of life.

Length of time Darryl was underwater remains unclear

Determining the exact length of time Darryl spent underwater has proven to be challenging. Several factors, such as the initial discovery of Darryl and the immediate rescue efforts, have contributed to the difficulty in pinpointing the duration of his submersion. The ongoing investigation aims to shed light on these details. Nonetheless, this incident emphasizes the need for caution and water safety precautions, as accidents can occur in an instant.

Parents remain by Darryl’s side at Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Throughout the last few days, Darryl’s parents have remained at his side as he received treatment at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Their unwavering presence demonstrates their devotion and love for their son. The support and prayers from the community have undoubtedly provided a source of strength during this challenging time.

Teammates and family members return to Denver

While Darryl continues to receive medical care, his teammates and other family members have returned to Denver. The journey back was made even more difficult by an unexpected breakdown of their vehicle in Phoenix. To alleviate the financial burden of transportation and unexpected medical expenses, a GoFundMe page has been established to support the family.

GoFundMe page set up for transportation and medical expenses

Recognizing the financial strain placed upon the Blackman family, a GoFundMe page has been created to assist with transportation and medical expenses. The community’s support in this endeavor is vital to helping the family cope with the unexpected costs that have arisen during this tragic time. Donations, big or small, can make a significant difference and provide a sense of relief to the grieving family.

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The tragic drowning of 13-year-old Darryl Blackman serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of water safety. Accidents happen without warning, and it is crucial to prioritize water safety education and preventative measures. This heart-wrenching incident has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on Darryl’s family, friends, and the community. As we reflect on this tragedy, let us come together to support Darryl’s family, promote water safety awareness, and work towards preventing such devastating incidents in the future.