A Conversation with Joaquin Phoenix in Hotel Rwanda Scene 2

In “A Conversation with Joaquin Phoenix in Hotel Rwanda Scene 2,” the video by magnificentse7en explores the impact of Belgian colonization in Rwanda and its role in creating divisions among the people. The video delves into the concept of measuring a person’s worth based on their physical features, such as the width of their nose, a practice implemented by the Belgians. It highlights the oppression faced by the Hutus under Belgian rule and how it eventually led to revenge and four years of suffering. The video also introduces Benedict, a famous journalist and expert on the subject, who sparks an intriguing discussion with Paul, a Hutu, and his Tutsi friend. The conversation raises questions about identity and the complex relationships between the different ethnic groups in Rwanda.

Continuing the conversation, Paul and his friend discuss their personal backgrounds, with Paul identifying as Hutu and his companion as Tutsi. They reflect on the striking resemblance between them, suggesting they could be mistaken for twins. The dialogue takes an unexpected turn as they capture the attention of a general, who is willing to grant them an interview. As the video concludes, the viewer is left pondering the significance of this thought-provoking discussion and its implications for understanding the historical context surrounding the events in Hotel Rwanda.

Scene Description


The scene takes place in a hotel room in Kigali, Rwanda. The room is spacious with a large window that offers a view of the city. The furniture is simple yet comfortable, with a couch and a coffee table in the center. There is a TV mounted on the wall and a camera set up on a tripod nearby.

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  1. Joaquin Phoenix – A well-known actor playing the role of a journalist in the movie.
  2. Paul – A Rwandan man who is in the hotel room with Joaquin Phoenix, acting as a guide and interpreter.
  3. Benedict – A famous journalist in Kigali who is an expert on the subject being discussed.


In this scene, Joaquin Phoenix, playing the role of a journalist, is in Rwanda to report on the unfolding events in the country. He is accompanied by Paul, who is knowledgeable about the situation and acts as his guide and interpreter. They are preparing for an interview with a general, which marks an important moment in their journey.

Background on Belgian Colonies

Role of Belgians in Rwanda

During the colonial era, Rwanda was under Belgian rule. The Belgians played a significant role in the country, particularly in shaping the social divisions that later led to conflict. They created an artificial classification system based on physical features, distinguishing between Hutus and Tutsis.

Division based on physical features

Belgians used physical features such as height, nose width, and skin color to categorize people as either Hutu or Tutsi. Tutsis were described as taller and more elegant, while Hutus were portrayed as less physically desirable. These divisions were reinforced and exploited by the Belgians to maintain control over the country.

Power Shift in Rwanda

Belgians’ influence on the country

The Belgians used the division between Hutus and Tutsis to govern Rwanda. They favored the Tutsis, who were a minority, and provided them with privileges and opportunities denied to the Hutus. This further deepened the resentment and animosity between the two groups.

Transfer of power to Hutus

When the Belgians eventually left Rwanda, they transferred power to the majority Hutus. This sudden shift in power dynamics created a power vacuum and ignited a desire for revenge among the Hutus, who had long been oppressed by the Tutsis.

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Revenge of the Hutus

In the aftermath of the power shift, the Hutus launched a brutal campaign against the Tutsis. Over the course of four years, Tutsis faced widespread violence and oppression. This period of intense conflict and bloodshed marked a dark chapter in Rwanda’s history.

Introduction of Benedict

Benedict’s expertise on the subject

Benedict, the journalist Joaquin Phoenix is about to meet, is a renowned expert on the subject of the Rwandan conflict. His in-depth knowledge and understanding of the historical and social context make him an invaluable resource for anyone trying to comprehend the complexities of the situation.

His role as a journalist

Benedict’s work as a journalist has centered around shedding light on the truth and giving a voice to those affected by the conflict. He has been actively engaged in documenting the stories of both Hutus and Tutsis, striving for a deeper understanding of the events that unfolded and their lasting impact on Rwandan society.

Conversation between Joaquin Phoenix and Paul

Personal question about ethnicity

Curiosity gets the better of Joaquin Phoenix, and he poses a personal question to Paul, his Rwandan companion. He asks Paul whether he is Hutu or Tutsi, recognizing that this distinction has played a significant role in the country’s history and current conflict.

Paul’s response

Paul responds that he is Hutu, while his friend is Tutsi. This revelation highlights the complexity of relationships and identities in Rwanda, where individuals from different ethnic backgrounds can form deep bonds of friendship and solidarity.

Paul’s friend being Tutsi

The mention of Paul’s Tutsi friend adds another layer of tension and interest to the conversation. It brings to the forefront the inherent contradictions and complexities of the ethnic divisions that have caused so much strife and suffering in Rwanda.

Surprise over their resemblance

Joaquin Phoenix expresses his surprise at Paul and his Tutsi friend resembling each other. This observation serves as a reminder that physical features alone cannot define someone’s ethnic identity or the depth of their relationships.

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Camera Interview with the General

Excitement to interview the general

Joaquin Phoenix expresses his excitement and anticipation for the upcoming interview with the general. This interview holds great significance as it will provide a unique perspective on the conflict and its repercussions, straight from a key figure involved in the events.

Preparation to film

Joaquin Phoenix and Paul make final preparations to film the interview. They adjust the camera angle, ensuring that the lighting and sound are optimal to capture the conversation between Joaquin Phoenix and the general accurately.

Ending the conversation

As the preparation concludes, Joaquin Phoenix eagerly awaits the start of the interview. He reflects on the conversation with Paul, appreciating the insights gained and the personal connections forged during their time together. He understands that this interview will add another layer of understanding to the complexities of the conflict.


Reflection on the conversation

The conversation with Paul has provided both Joaquin Phoenix and the audience with a deeper understanding of the ethnic divisions in Rwanda. It has challenged preconceived notions and highlighted the need to approach complex subjects with nuance and empathy.

Expectations for future scenes

With the upcoming interview with the general, Joaquin Phoenix anticipates gaining more profound insights into the inner workings of the conflict and its impact on the lives of ordinary Rwandans. He acknowledges that these scenes will be crucial in telling a comprehensive and truthful story about Rwanda and its history.